What is Document Control?
Document Control refers to a series of practices to ensure that documents are created, reviewed, distributed and disposed of in a systematic and verifiable manner.
The term is more widely known in the context of ISO standards. For example, the ISO 9001: 2015 standard requires organizations to establish a documented procedure for controlling various aspects of documents, including:
Identification, Storage, Protection, Retention, Review, Approval, Change, Control, etc.
In addition, document control practices are essential to maintain the integrity and traceability of documents, aspects that are essential for many companies.

Why you need a Document Control System?
Your organization needs a document control system to ensure that sharing and storing documents is performed in the most efficient manner. This will reduce wasted time and duplication of efforts of recording information on paper only to misplace the documents at a later date.
With the implementation of processes allowing for the electronic management, tracking, categorizing and filing, your organization is able to leverage the power of automation that paper could never provide.
How can SHORE make this easy for your organization?
SHORE is an all-in-one digital solution which is simple, flexible and affordable with a user-friendly interface to share and store information.
SHORE enables users to maintain all documents in a centralized location which simplifies the distribution, retrieval, and search process of documents by keeping track of every document electronically.
How SHORE manages documents effectively!
01. Stores electronic documents
SHORE has a user permission that will allow only the person with that permission to make changes, and publish control Forms. It ensures data integrity between form versions.
02. Control Form templates
SHORE has a user permission that will allow only the person with that permission to make changes, and publish control Forms. It ensures data integrity between form versions.
03. Easy access
You can search, view, edit, delete, download, manage any kind of document of any size from anywhere, anytime. You can just drag and drop document (any type) into SHORE without worrying about compatibility.
04. Property Based Relationships (PBR’s)
PBR’s add power, flexibility and efficiencies to file management in SHORE. By adding a PBR to such things as Manuals or Product Data Sheets SHORE ensures the most recent document is available wherever it applies.
You can move a file from one folder to another just by changing the relationship. It gives the ability to track information or share documentation between user groups.
05. Version control
Whenever a document is replaced by a new version, SHORE auto-archives the old version and makes only the latest version available to whoever needs to see it. Only authorized personnel can access archived versions.
Notification is sent automatically to a pre-determined distribution list to let people know that the document has been replaced, if required.
06. Link to documents
The folder menu option Link to this Document generates OR code and a link to the document. This is very helpful when you want to link a particular file/folder to a form. A user can create multiple links between documents which helps preventing losing track of documents.
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